Directions to Cornerstone
From Portland:
Take US-26 [Sunset Hwy] West to Exit 65
Keep RIGHT onto Ramp (Cornell Rd. / Bethany Blvd.)
Continue STRAIGHT thru 1st light at end of ramp
Turn RIGHT (North) onto NW Bethany Blvd (2nd light)
Continue STRAIGHT onto NW Kaiser Rd
Continue STRAIGHT thru intersection at Germantown Rd
Cornerstone is 100yds on right North of Germantown/Kaiser intersection
From Hillsboro:
Take US-26 [Sunset Hwy] East to exit 62
Keep RIGHT onto Ramp (Cornelius Pass / West Union)
Turn LEFT (North) onto NW Cornelius Pass Rd
Turn RIGHT (East) onto NW Germantown Rd
Turn LEFT (North) onto NW Kaiser Rd
Cornerstone is 100yds on right North of Germantown/Kaiser Rd intersection.